An official website of the House of Commons
Commerce Logo

Pursuant to HCC ยง 2-8-5, the Secretary must manage a public database of all business records and the their filings with the Department of Commerce.

Business Name Business Owner Actions Status
LaPorte County Proud LLC Tim Cavinder 07/02/24 - Filed House Form 1031 Filing of New Business
07/02/24 - Referred $15 Filing Fee to Secretary
Say No to LaPorte Corridor Foundation Inc Tim Cavinder 07/24/23 - Filed House Form 1031 Filing of New Business
07/30/23 - Referred $15 Filing Fee to Secretary
01/01/24 - Refered to DOR for TY 23 Processing
04/14/24 - Filed House Form 1011 Business Wage Report (2023)
AC1D'S Kandi Shop Sarah Cavinder 11/19/22 - Filed House Form 1031 Filing of New Business
11/19/22 - Referred $15 Filing Fee to Secretary
01/01/23 - Referred to DOR for TY 22 Processing
06/03/24 - Notice of Dissolvement Warning (Via U.S. Mail)
07/03/24 - Secretary Dissolved; Reason: Failed to File 1011
Admin Dissolved
Strategies Web Design LLC Tim Cavinder 10/21/22 - Filed House Form 1031 Filing of New Business
10/21/22 - Referred $15 Filing Fee to Secretary
01/01/23 - Referred to DOR for TY 22 Processing
04/13/24 - Filed House Form 1011 Business Wage Report (2023)
Stratgies Web Design LLC Tim Cavinder 10/18/22 - Filed House Form 1031 Filing of New Business
10/18/22 - Secretary Dissolved; Reason: Errors in 1031
Admin Dissolved