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Pursuant to HCC ยง 2-8-8, every year (not including the date of creation) the owner of the business under the Jursidiction of the Secretary shall complete a wage report.

What information will be asked?

The law provides for specific information must be asked. We will ask:

  • Name of Business, please use the exact same name as when you filed. Should you need to modify your business name, please email
  • Owner/Member Name
  • Email Address of Business
  • Principal Office Address
  • Current Filing Year
  • Jurisdiction of Formation
  • Entity Type
  • Amount of Income Collected as Profit (If you are a non-profit, still enter any profit (earnings) that you have)
  • Amount of Profit Taken Towards Fine Payments

  • House Form 1095 | Having Trouble Viewing? Click here.