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Pursuant to HCC ยง 2-8-6, every two years (not including the date of creation) the owner of the business under the Jursidiction of the Secretary shall complete an entity report. After filing, you will be charged a $25 filing fee as required under law.

What information will be asked?

The law provides for specific information must be asked. We will ask:

  • Name of Business, please use the exact same name as when you filed. Should you need to modify your business name, please email
  • Email Address of Business
  • Current Principal Office Address
  • Current Filing Year
  • Past Filing Years on this Form
  • Date of Formation or Registation
  • Jurisdiction of Formation
  • Entity Type
  • Percentage of Funds that were from the House in the last two years from the date of filing

  • House Form 1094 | Having Trouble Viewing? Click here.